Using your computer or mobile phone with Dinamikom, you find out all key information about your child activities in kindergarten or school at any time, you eliminate the lack of information and can get more engaged with children.
Photo galleries, notifications and messages
Receive notifications, messages of unread group contents via email for all your kindergarten groups. Also, your kindergarten or school photos of children's activities for each group or class separately and are not available to anyone outside Dinamikom system.
Want to read kindergarten or school notifications when you have free time for it?
By using Dinamikom you avoid overloaded noticeboard with notifications and information you can't read during the time of leaving or picking up your child. You instantly get informed of all events and can relevantly prepare for informative conversation about the activities.
Do you want a modern kindergarten or school which actively involves parents in communication?
Simply, by using PC or mobile phone you read content posted by teachers, participate in commenting and give your suggestions, all depending on kindergarten's or school's decision.
Do you want a reliable system to receive content on kindergarten or school activities?
Dinamikom standardizes content publishing and protects privacy of communication in kindergarten groups or school classes to the max maximum, which is otherwise complicated and inadequate using standard notice boards.

Creating personalized photo albums for parents
Built on demand of many parents, and in cooperation with children institutions that use Dinamikom, we developed a new service for creating personalized printed photo albums for parents. Creating personalized photo albums is a joy for whole family. You, the parents, together with your children - browse available photos in Dinamikom and select which of the captured moments of joy you want to put into your photo album. The app guides you in every step of the photo selection and photo album creation, you can choose various cheerful graphic backgrounds for your happy album. Moments, together spent in browsing photos and creating own memories are irreplaceable for both, you (parents) and your little ones.
Ask your kindergarten or school to simply introduce Dinamikom and start using it immediately. Contact Dinamikom team for all additional explanation.