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Kindergarten Zeko

Varaždin - users since members since Oct 2015.

We are pleased with the Dinamikom system due to the simplicity of setting notifications, quick photo upload, and easy adding, deleting, and changing groups for individual children. There is also practical group for kindergarten educators i.e. employees. Once we got started, we regularly use the system on a day and week basis.

Our parents are also happy with the system, at significant percentage they regularly follow notification. As a non public system (with increased security) it has is a great plus, and we present it to parents just that way (as opposed to Facebook group, which we also have), mostly refering to photos of children in activities.

Ana Koren Friščić, pedagoginja

Kindergarten/schools and parents

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Dinamikom team

We are parents of pre-school and school children, professionally dealing with design and construction of web applications.

Dinamikom is the result of personal experience, the desire for improving interpersonal relationships and professional engagement.

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