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Kindergarten Bajka

Varaždin - users since users since Nov 2014.

Dinamikom e-notice board system used by kindergarten Bajka as a virtual noticeboard proved to be an ideal tool for achieving a higher level of cooperation and partnership with parents, as well as it demonstrated that educational institutions are in step with today's modern era in which technology is a way of life. Using Dinamikom, personal contact among subjects in kindergarten has not disappeared, in fact, it is now more concrete, more detailed and more efficient. Although Dinamikom is a modern communication tool and it is very easy to use, its implementation in the everydays work of the institution lasted less than a month. Good sides of e-noticeboard has been recognized by all Dinamikom users, and cooperation with parents without it - is now unimaginable.

Biljana Stanković, psychologist

Kindergarten/schools and parents

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E-noticeboard app

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We are parents of pre-school and school children, professionally dealing with design and construction of web applications.

Dinamikom is the result of personal experience, the desire for improving interpersonal relationships and professional engagement.

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